OSSMSA is proud to dedicate ourselves to helping our aging population live a better quality of life. We offer a variety of treatment options and can also help address any existing fractures that may have happened as a result of this medical condition. Be proactive to help minimize the risk of serious injury!
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes the loss of bone tissue causing bones to become porous. As a result of this tissue loss, the bones become more easily susceptible to fractures and breaks more frequently. Osteoporosis is frequently referred to as a "silent disease" because it often progresses without noticeable symptoms until a fracture occurs. Therefore, the most common presentation of osteoporosis is the occurrence of bone fractures, particularly in weight-bearing bones like the spine, hip, and wrist, with minimal or no trauma. While there is currently no cure for Osteoporosis, treatments, and preventative measures can be taken to help strengthen and prevent any further loss of the bone tissue.
Did You Know?
Talking with your primary care physician or an Orthopedist is the initial and vital step in being tested and treated for Osteoporosis. Early detection and preventative measures play a key role in managing and halting further progression of Osteoporosis. It's strongly recommended, especially if you are over the age of 50, to initiate a conversation about your bone health with your healthcare professional. Getting screened and receiving a Bone Mass Density test, if needed, are convenient and non-invasive ways to start taking preventative steps against Osteoporosis.
Ready to take the first step? Schedule a consultation with our Orthopedic specialists today.
(210) 293-2663